
The market is gaining some steam. I try not to be negative, but you have to once in a while. I find the mortgage guidelines to be over the top in many areas. Underwriters ( who I know are just doing what the investors are telling them) scrutinize every minute detail of every aspect of the loan file. Luckily, our clients and referring partners seem to know this and don’t get too bent out of shape when something gets a little sideways. I do. I want everything to be smooth and fun. We just have to keep our eyes on the prize. Thank you to all who are understanding. 4 years ago the market was crazy and everyone was screaming for tighter regulations and more rules. Now we got what was asked for. This too, shall pass. And I believe that people buying homes right now are going to be so happy in the future because rates are ridiculously low and I am seeing people get GREAT buys on houses. So I guess some extra hassle getting the money is small potatoes in the great scheme. Just let me survive with some of my hair left… a lot has been pulled out lately…by me.