2013! Here we come

I just put my license fee on the credit card to be a mortgage broker for 2013. I guess I am a glutton for punishment. This year has had ups and downs. As always, I have gotten to know and help some wonderful interesting people. The hard part is getting approvals and navigating stupid, needless, redundant delays in the process when you want so badly for everything to be smooth. People are definitely more understanding than they used to be about this sort of thing. I think 2013 will be an up year for purchase business, and home prices. I think rates will go up a little. Even as low as rates have been, we still constantly run across people who haven’t checked their mortgage and still have a high rate. If you are one of those, please get in touch. I would be glad to review your mortgage and potential refinance options at no charge to you. For the home purchase hopefuls, please contact me at your first thought of buying a home. In today’s market, it sometimes takes more maneuvering to get in the right financial position to buy. I am happy to offer my counsel on how to do that. So I guess as I write this, I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a great customer base, great business partners, and a great company to work for. I look forward to 2013 as an even better year in spite of the changes I know are coming. We will learn how to navigate the new paths put before us by the new rules thanks to the Dodd-Frank Bill.