A loan in your pajamas ??

people in pajamas for website

Valley Team Mortgage can offer you the convenience of applying for a loan in your pajamas from your living room couch. We can do your prequalifying over the phone, or by email.  You can go to our secure website and enter your loan information to be transmitted securely to me. I will send out the necessary paperwork via overnight, you sign, and send back to me.   Easy, Easy, Easy.  www.valleyteammortgage.com. Be sure to use the pull down of Tom Floyd for your loan consultant.

That being said I still prefer to meet face to face. I can explain things so the rest of the transaction goes smoother, give you an understanding of what you are going through.

But if you are really, really busy, or just prefer online vendors, we have the ability to take care of you as well. Use my blog www.tomfloyd.com for updates and tips, you can go to my YouTube videos to get 3 minute tips on making your loan go faster. TomFloydMortgage on YouTube


And there’s valleyteammortgage.com, a full featured lending sites with application, calculators, tips.


On Facebook, its Tom Floyd Mortgage Residential Commercial


Twitter is MortgageVirgini


I will be glad to include you in my monthly Lending Update via email if you send me your name, email, and request a copy of the Update to t.floyd@valleyteammortgage.com


At Valley Team, we want to stay in touch with the technology people.